Come join us Sundays at 10:30am

We meet at 10:10am for refreshments

We meet in two locations: Wanborough Village Hall and Brinkworth Village Hall.
We alternate between the two locations each week. Click here to see where our upcoming service will be held.

Upcoming Service


This Sunday we are at Wanborough Village Hall when

Mrs Hilary Balsdon will be preaching as

part of our series on ‘The Hard Sayings of Jesus’

Her chosen theme is

“Forgiveness: Command or Choice?”

Her reading is:  Matt 18:21-35.

Refreshments, as usual from 10:10am and our

worship begins at 10:30am



Free Methodists are a family

As part of the world wide movement of the Free Methodist Church, we have interests throughout the world. We minister into more than 80 countries and have over 2,000,000 church members.


Salvation means we are not limited by fear, shame or failure. Jesus has made the way for us to live a life full of power and purpose.


We let go of anything that holds us back from the goal of being like Jesus, and take hold of the power of the Holy Spirit to transform us into the person we were meant to be.


This is too good to keep to ourselves! In our actions, words and lifestyle we live to glorify God so others around the globe can discover this life of freedom too.